Technology Meets Tradition: CNC in Heritage Woodcraft

From Humble Beginnings to High-Tech Craftsmanship

It was a serendipitous moment that set the wheels in motion for my journey into the world of CNC woodworking. I’ll never forget the day my father-in-law Jack showed me the birdhouse he was painstakingly carving by hand. The intricate details and time-honored techniques captivated me, but I couldn’t help noticing the tedious nature of the process.

As I watched him meticulously shape each feather and chisel the delicate features, a lightbulb went off in my head. “What if there was a way to automate the repetitive parts of this project, while still preserving the artistry and craftsmanship?” I wondered. This question would soon lead me down a path that would forever change the way I approached my lifelong passion for woodworking.

Embracing the CNC Revolution

At the time, I was facing a unique set of circumstances. The pandemic had upended my life, leaving me with more free time on my hands than I knew what to do with. And just a year prior, I had made the bold decision to move my family 100 miles away from our hometown of Duncan, Oklahoma to the small town of Arcadia. With this newfound space and unexpected downtime, the stars seemed to align for me to explore a new frontier in my creative pursuits.

It was during one of my online browsing sessions that I stumbled upon an advertisement for a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine by BobsCNC. Intrigued by the possibilities this technology offered, I dove headfirst into research, eager to understand how it could revolutionize my approach to woodworking. After careful consideration, I decided to take the plunge and invest in a BobsCNC KL744 kit.

The assembly process was no easy feat, requiring long nights and a dedicated weekend in the shop, but the moment the machine came to life, I knew I had uncovered a game-changer. Suddenly, the tedious tasks that had once hindered my creativity were streamlined with precision and efficiency. I spent countless hours mastering the ins and outs of this powerful tool, determined to harness its full potential and bring my ideas to life.

Breathing Life into Ideas

Starting small, I began creating intricate wooden objects for friends and family, honing my skills and experimenting with the capabilities of the CNC machine. And then, the moment of truth arrived – I was able to produce the first prototype of the birdhouse that had sparked this entire journey. Seeing the crisp, detailed carvings emerge from the machine, I felt a surge of pride and accomplishment.

With the CNC at the heart of my workshop, the possibilities seemed endless. I invested in additional equipment, expanding my repertoire to include everything from custom furniture and architectural elements to one-of-a-kind art pieces. And as my skills and confidence grew, so did my ambition. It was time to take this newfound passion and turn it into a thriving business.

A Family Affair

My wife, Bonnie, had also been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug during the pandemic, starting her own business making wreaths and bows. Together, we decided to join forces and embark on this adventure, setting up shop as vendors at the Edmond, Oklahoma Farmers Market and touring the state, showcasing our creations at craft shows and events.

It wasn’t always easy, but the challenges we faced only served to strengthen our resolve. With the CNC machine as our trusty companion, we were able to bring our vision to life, offering beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces that captivated our customers. And as our business grew, so did our family – Bonnie and I have three children, Beni (18), Asa (7), and Phil (5), who have become our biggest cheerleaders and occasional assistants in the workshop.

Preserving Tradition, Embracing Innovation

At the heart of our operation lies a harmonious balance between the time-honored techniques of traditional woodworking and the cutting-edge precision of CNC technology. As a self-proclaimed “maker” with a deep appreciation for heritage craftsmanship, I’ve made it my mission to preserve the essence of handcrafted artistry while harnessing the power of digital tools to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

My family’s own artistic lineage has been a constant source of inspiration, from my paternal great-grandfather’s skills as a builder and carpenter to my maternal grandfather’s mastery of plumbing and construction. The creative spirit runs deep in my veins, and I’m proud to be carrying on this legacy in my own unique way.

Collaboration and Customization

When it comes to each project we undertake, Bonnie and I firmly believe that collaboration is key. We don’t simply offer a service; we embark on a journey with our clients, working hand-in-hand to bring their visions to life. Whether you come to us with a detailed concept or just a rough sketch, we’re here to listen, offer our expertise, and guide you through the process every step of the way.

Our approach is all about customization – we understand that every project is unique, and we tailor our services to align perfectly with your requirements. From sourcing the finest local materials to employing advanced CNC techniques, we’re committed to creating products that not only look stunning but also stand the test of time.

Quality and Craftsmanship

Quality is non-negotiable in our world. We’re not just concerned with the aesthetics of our work; we’re equally focused on durability and sustainability. By sourcing the finest wood and employing time-tested techniques, we ensure that every piece we create is built to last, becoming a cherished part of your home or business for generations to come.

Our team of skilled artisans and engineers understands the intricacies of wood, coaxing out its hidden beauty and harnessing its unique properties to achieve truly remarkable results. And with the precision of our CNC machines, we’re able to execute intricate designs and patterns with a level of accuracy that was once the stuff of dreams.

Diversifying and Expanding

As our business has grown, we’ve had the pleasure of catering to a wide range of clients, from passionate woodworking enthusiasts to accomplished designers and small business owners. Whether you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind piece or a large-scale production run, we have the expertise and flexibility to meet your needs.

For designers, we’re your creative partners, working closely with you to translate your concepts into reality. We offer insights and suggestions to ensure the final product is a true masterpiece that exceeds your client’s expectations. And for small business owners, we can craft custom furniture, eye-catching signage, and unique fixtures that will set your space apart and create a memorable experience for your customers.

The Rewards of Craftsmanship

At the end of the day, the most rewarding aspect of what I do is seeing my ideas transformed into tangible, physical products. The sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with creating something unique and valuable is truly indescribable. It’s the realization of a lifelong dream, the culmination of hard work and passion.

The process of turning an idea into a reality involves problem-solving, experimentation, and a willingness to learn and grow. And as any maker will tell you, there’s an immense satisfaction that comes with weathering the failures and setbacks along the way, emerging stronger and more resilient. It’s a journey that opens up new possibilities and provides room for both personal and financial growth.

Investing in People and Communities

Supporting makers, creatives, and hand-made businesses is not just a passion of ours; it’s a fundamental belief. We understand the power of turning one’s talents into a thriving career or side-hustle, and the positive impact it can have on both the individual and the community.

When people are able to earn a living doing what they love, it doesn’t just provide financial stability – it ignites a sense of fulfillment and purpose that can be truly transformative. It allows them to preserve traditional crafts and techniques, keeping cultural heritage alive and adding diversity to the market.

And by sourcing materials locally and supporting the network of suppliers and service providers that enable these small businesses to thrive, we’re playing our part in stimulating the local economy and creating jobs within our community. It’s a symbiotic relationship that we’re proud to be a part of, and one that we hope to continue nurturing for years to come.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey of your own, whether as a designer, a small business owner, or simply a lover of all things handmade, I invite you to explore the world of CNC woodworking with us. Together, let’s push the boundaries of what’s possible, blending the timeless artistry of tradition with the cutting-edge power of technology. is here to be your guide, your partner, and your source of inspiration. Let’s create something truly extraordinary.


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